Monday, July 2, 2012

Restoring a sunny day

Interesting restoration project for a friend.  Original photo (1956) was quite damaged.  I was able to repair the cracks and scratches but optimizing the lighting was more a challenge due to heavy shadow on face in original. Friend was pleased with the result.  Clients anyone?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another Restoration Project

A challenging project
This was a real challenge.  This is my first run at it.  Have saved the original so will try again when I have developed more skills.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Learning a little more about retouching

Recently visited the small town of Myrnam, Alberta

First photo - very light enhancement - a little cropping and lighting adjustment.
Ukrainian Catholic Church with its baby

 Second photo: mostly enhanced with tone mapping - brought out textures.
Former Ford dealership converted to diner and small engine repair shop
Third photo: the most enhancement of the three - adding some vibrancy to the greens provides thematic unity to the photo (I think)

Few of these grain elevators left - once a prairie icon
A more ambitious project below gets more into restoration than enhancment.  

Before                         and                         After